Reasons why nasal congestion causes headaches


nose blowing: picture: pexels

It starts with a stuffy nose, but soon your head feels like it’s caught in a vice. Nasal congestion and headaches often go hand in hand, creating a perfect storm of discomfort that can derail your day. But why does this happen? The answer lies in the intricate relationship between your sinuses and your nerves.

Understanding this connection is the key to finding relief. Here’s why nasal congestion triggers headaches—and what you can do to feel better fast.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, this is known as a sinus headache, a common symptom of sinus infections, causing pain in the face and affecting the cheekbones, forehead, and nose bridge. They are said to be caused by viral or bacterial infections in the sinuses, which are hollow spaces behind the nose and mouth.

The above clinic also mentions that sinuses produce mucus to keep the nose moist and trap intruders, but when they react to intruders, they create a swollen, irritated, fluid-filled sinus that causes achy and tender facial skin.

The Mount Sinai publication adds on to say that sinus headaches are caused by respiratory infections or allergies. It is stated that risk factors include allergies, nasal polyps, nasal bone spurs, tumours, high-altitude climbing, and frequent swimming or diving.

The Mayo Clinic explains that migraines and sinusitis headaches may be easily confused due to overlapping symptoms. Migraine pain is said to worsen when bent forward and can be accompanied by nasal signs like congestion and nasal discharge.

A sinus headache is said to usually occur after viral infections or colds and includes thick mucus, decreased sense of smell, and pain in one cheek or upper teeth. “Headaches due to sinus disease often last days or longer, and migraines most commonly last hours to a day or two.”

To avoid sinus headaches, the above source suggests that you treat underlying inflammation with allergy medications, nasal sprays, antibiotics, or corticosteroids. It is also mentioned that implementing lifestyle changes like humidifiers and saltwater irrigation can also help.

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