According to a list of the most searched questions of 2023, ‘How is cholera transmitted in South Africa’ was one of the top search terms, according to the annual Google Trends report.
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Because of this, we wanted to address it under our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) banner. Therefore, what is cholera, why is it on Mzansi’s mind and, more importantly, how is cholera transmitted in South Africa?
If you’ll recall, back in February 2023, the World Health Organisation (WHO) confirmed an outbreak of cholera in South Africa. Cholera is an acute, diarrhoea illness caused by infection of the intestine with the toxigenic bacterium.
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Cholera bacterium is usually found in water or in foods that have been contaminated by feces from a person infected with cholera. In the case of an epidemic like South Africa experienced last year, the disease spreads rapidly in areas with inadequate treatment of sewage and drinking water.

The answer to ‘how is cholera transmitted in South Africa’ is a simple one. Through dirty drinking water. Unlike Mumps, it is not a virus that is transmitted person to person, says the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Therefore, casual contact with an infected person presents not risk of getting ill.
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In the period when cholera transmitted in South Africa at a rapid rate, people battled with loss of body fluids, which in turn led to dehydration and shock. If left untreated, death can occur within mere hours. If you suspect you might have cholera, seek medical attention immediately. Fluid replacement to combat dehydration is critical, so drink a rehydration solution if you can.

Mild symptoms can take 2-3 days to appear after a person has ingested cholera bacteria. However, in severe cases it can be just a few hours. Back in February 2023, cholera cases increased from an average of 6 per week to 392, says the WHO. There were 1 290 suspected cholera cases and 47 deaths during the outbreak. Hammanskraal, in Northern Gauteng, was the site of the first outbreak.
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