Fatigue. Picture: Pexels
Are you in a state of constant fatigue, and no matter how often you make time to rest, it just does not seem to make any difference? Then, now is the time to find out what the biggest contributors to this feeling might be.
According to many health and wellness professionals, fatigue refers to being in a state of extreme tiredness that makes it difficult for you to get up in the morning or make it through the day.
“Fatigue feels like you have an overwhelming urge to sleep, but you may not feel refreshed after you rest or sleep,” explains the reputable health publication Cleveland Clinic.
The above-mentioned source further adds that this may have an impact on several other areas of your well-being.
Some of its symptoms often include depression, lack of motivation, low energy, short concentration, as well as muscle pain and weakness.
While many of us often associate constant fatigue with failure to prioritise our rest, sleeping is not the only way to combat this feeling.
Instead, many people experience fatigue due to several other reasons. Healthline highlights that some of these include:
- Lifestyle factors: This means that you are living a poor lifestyle which may include not getting enough sleep, consuming too much caffeine, stress, physical exertion or that you may be obese.
- Physical health conditions: It is stated that medical health conditions may also contribute to feeling fatigued. This may be as a result of several factors which could include liver disease, anemia, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, or infections, such as cold and flu.
- Mental health issues: “Mental health conditions can also lead to fatigue. For example, fatigue is a common symptom of anxiety, depression, and seasonal affective disorder,” explains Healthline.
Here are some ways to combat it as recommended by the above-mentioned source:
- Drink enough fluids to stay hydrated
- Practice healthy eating habits
- Exercise regularly
- Get enough sleep
- Avoid known stressors
- Avoid a work or social schedule that’s overly demanding