These tricks will make you money smart

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Here are 17 life hacks to help you save money faster, whether your financial goals are big or small.

1. Learn to budget and understand your finances

Keeping track of your income and expenses over a 30-day period will help you understand where your money is going. Identify areas where you can cut back on spending to increase your savings.

2. Get out of debt

Pay off outstanding balances on your debts as soon as possible to avoid accumulating more interest.

3. Create a designated savings account

Separate your savings from your daily spending by setting up a designated savings account.

4. Automate your savings

Set up automated transfers from your daily spending account to your savings account each month.

5. Automate your bills

Avoid late fees by automating your bill payments.

6. Put a spending limit on your card

Set a limit on your credit or debit card to prevent overspending.

7. Use the envelope budgeting system

Allocate your monthly income into separate envelopes for different expenses to ensure you stay within budget.

8. Cut back on rent

Consider living with roommates or downsizing to save on rent.

9. Take up a side hustle

Consider working additional shifts, freelancing, or pet sitting to increase your income.

10. Cancel unused subscriptions

Cancel subscriptions you don’t use regularly to save money.

11. Try to fix things yourself

Learn to fix things at home instead of paying someone else to do it.

13. Think before you splurge

Wait at least three to four days before making a significant purchase to avoid impulse buying.

15. Buy a car at the end of a financial quarter

Dealerships may offer better deals at the end of each financial quarter to meet sales targets.

16. Cut down on grocery spending

Plan meals in advance, consider going meat-free one day a week, and look for cheaper options at the grocery store.

17. Designate a no-spend day once a week

Choose one day each week to spend nothing except for fixed costs.

18. Sell unused items

Declutter your home and sell unused possessions online to earn extra cash.



Compiled by: Savanna Douglas

First published by Woman&home

Also see: The two-pot system 101