Internet user shares trauma of discovering roommate who committed suicide- divides the internet


Picture: Pexels

An internet user has divided the internet after giving her experience of living with the memory and effects of discovering her roommate’s body after they had hanged themselves in their shared space. This recollection has given rise to the harsh realities of suicide for all parties involved.

Recently, it was revealed that by his family TV personality Ebenhezer Dibakwana died by suicide. This revelation gave rise to conversation surrounding depression and suicide in the country. One X(formerly Twitter) user in particular, @grandtheftnoise revealed that the reason she would never commit suicide was because of the effects it has on those who are left to deal with the matter, particularly the first responder. The user recollects her own experience of finding her roommate’s body after they hanged themselves.

According to this user, she had this incident affect her academics so severely that she almost failed, and adds that she had to see three different therapists in order to try and heal from the incident.

“The state I found her body in? Every time I looked in the mirror all I could see was her corpse. She was haunting me nogal every short girl with glasses I saw on campus, I thought it was her. I couldn’t eat and sleep. I’d wake up at night thinking she’s standing over me,” her post reads.

This post quickly garnered some attention as some users empathised with the trauma that this user was subjected to. These users highlighted the importance and need to provide the necessary care for those left behind to deal with the realities of having a loved one commit suicide.

However, other users labelled @grandtheftnoise as insensitive and condemned her for her self-centered take on the matter. These users shared:

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