Genetics vs gym: Do ‘skinny genes’ mean you can avoid diet and workouts?



“Skinny genes” may seem like a dream come true, you think of being able to indulge and skip exercises without facing any consequences, but can you really?

The publications below expand on how genetics can affect body structure and metabolism – and are not a guarantee of long-term health. Even with advantageous genes, maintaining a healthy lifestyle still heavily relies on frequent exercise and a balanced diet.

According to, the idea is that a person has “skinny genes”— a collection of genes or units of DNA—that cause them to remain thin throughout their lives rather than wear tight-fitting pants.

Henry Chung, a Sport and Exercise Sciences lecturer at the School of Sport, claims, “For the majority of people if you do not exercise at all, the genes you have might not matter. If you do not do something with them, their genetic potential will never flourish — only when we add stress the body systems respond, and then the body adapts.”

Mir Ali, a board-certified bariatric surgeon from Carlifonia states that even those with “skinny genes” need to exercise and eat healthily, the researchers stressed.

It is not impossible to overcome a genetic inclination to be either overweight or slim. Eating the incorrect meals can cause serious health problems even if a person is not overweight. For everyone to maintain a healthy weight and prevent health problems, a balanced diet and regular exercise are essential, the bariatric surgeon mentioned above.

In order to assist patients in determining what is best for them to attain and sustain excellent health, this research should be expanded to include the ideal diet for various genetic types, the above expert further adds.

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