gut: picture: pexels
Your gut does more than digest food—it’s like the control centre for your overall health, affecting everything from energy levels to mood. And while the idea of gut health might sound like another wellness buzzword, it’s no joke. One secret weapon for a happy gut? Fermented foods.
Curious about how these foods work their magic? Let’s dive into why your gut will thank you for adding them to your plate. According to Eating Well, fermented foods like sauerkraut can be added to sandwiches, providing probiotics that can improve digestion, boost immunity, and support a healthy weight.
The above source claims that research shows probiotics may be helpful for conditions like diarrhoea, irritable bowel syndrome, hay fever, infant colic, and periodontal disease. Consuming fermented foods, high in fibre, and prebiotic-rich foods is therefore said to be essential for gut health.
The Good Food publication suggests Kefir, a fermented Korean food, which contains beneficial bacteria and yeast, producing bioactive compounds for health benefits like digestion and cholesterol reduction. Kimchi, also a fermented Korean food, is said to have the ability to synthesise vitamins and minerals.
According to the Health website, tempeh, a fermented soybean protein, is rich in antioxidants and para probiotics, providing health benefits like an energy boost, immune system enhancement, muscle strength enhancement, post-workout recovery time, and anxiety reduction. The publication claims that a cup of tempeh provides 34 grams of protein and 6 grams of fibre.
There are no official recommendations for how often you should eat fermented foods, but research suggests that regularly including them in your diet may help bolster gut health and fight inflammation. The above source claims that one small 2021 study reported that people who consumed six servings of fermented foods daily for 10 weeks experienced significant reductions in inflammatory markers and an increase in healthy gut microbiome diversity compared to study participants who doubled their dietary fibre intake but did not eat fermented foods.
It is suggested that you try incorporating at least one fermented food into your diet daily by enjoying kefir at breakfast, sipping on some kombucha with lunch, or adding a spoonful of sauerkraut to a grain bowl at dinner.
Also see: Never re-heat the following foods in the microwave