Dineo Ranaka opens up about her hair transplant journey (Video)


Dineo Ranaka’s hair transplant journey

Dineo Ranaka has candidly shared her hair transplant journey on social media.

The popular presenter addressed her struggle with a receding hairline and revealed undergoing a medical procedure to restore her hair.

Taking to Instagram, Dineo shared a detailed video of the process, captioned:
“Join us on her HAIR TRANSPLANT journey as she tackles thinning hair from multifactorial causes such as hormonal changes, hypothyroidism, and those tight hairstyles leading to traction alopecia.”

In a recent update, she posted a photo showing the progress of her transplant. Alongside it, she wrote:
“So far so good. In the meantime, I’m continuing to watch what I eat. I believe in helping any cosmetic or medical procedure by also keeping to a healthy regime.”