DA says Eastern Cape economy is stuck in the mud


By Anita Dangazele

  • DA slams the Eastern Cape government for poor economic growth just before the Premier’s big speech on Friday.
  • Stats show a slight drop in unemployment but DA says rural areas still struggling with bad roads and service delivery.

The DA has attacked the Eastern Cape government for not doing enough to create jobs and grow business in the province.

The party’s criticism comes just before Premier Oscar Mabuyane gives his State of the Province Address (SOPA) on Friday.

According to the DA, the province needs to fix its infrastructure, help rural businesses grow, and make it easier to do business.

DA MPL Dr Vicky Knoetze said rural areas are not getting enough help to develop their economies.

“If these industries are to thrive, investment and clear policy direction is essential, and we want to get a true sense of that direction in this year’s SOPA address,” she said.

Knoetze said farms, tourism and factories could create more jobs, but bad roads and unclear government plans are stopping growth.

But Knoetze warned that nothing will improve if municipalities keep failing.

“Mismanagement at the municipal level has brought service delivery to its knees. Businesses are already struggling due to deteriorating infrastructure, unreliable electricity, and water shortages,” she said.

There is some good news though. Stats SA says unemployment in the Eastern Cape dropped from 37.2% to 36.6% in the last three months of 2024.

Most new jobs came from private households, which employed 21,000 more people.

Premier Mabuyane said this was positive but warned that problems with America could hurt job creation.

“While we are encouraged by the gains, we continue to be concerned about the stagnant economic growth which could be further affected by the risk of souring diplomatic relations with the US,” he said.

Pictured above: DA MPL Vicky Knoetze speaking at a prior event.

Image source: DA Eastern Cape