Bernard Parker falls victim to South Africa’s high crime rate


Bernard Parker. Picture: Instagram

For years ordinary South Africans have had to live with the daily reminder that their belongings can be stripped away at any given time due to the high crime rate in the country.

With robberies, smash and grabs and other criminal activities happening daily in various parts of the country, former Bafana Bafana footballer Bernard Parker has now been the victim of one of these crimes following a recent visit to the prominent township of Soweto.

The news publication Daily Sun reported that the recently retired Bernard was stripped of his belongings after visiting the newly opened Eyethu Shopping Centre in the township.

On the day of the incident, which occurred on 24 September this year, he returned to his car after doing some errands only to discover that the window of his car had been smashed with several electronic items such as his cell phone, laptop and iPad all missing.

The news was later confirmed by Gauteng spokesperson Lieutenant-Colonel Mavela Masondo.

“Police can confirm that the victim parked his vehicle at a shopping mall in Soweto. When he came back, he realised that his car window was broken and his belongings, including a cellphone laptop, an iPad and a tracksuit, were missing.”

Mavela revealed that the investigation into the incident is still ongoing and that no arrests have been made.

Meanwhile, life continues for the football star as he continues to live life to the fullest on social media.

Earlier this year he and his wife Wendy celebrated their wedding anniversary where he shared a heart-warming post dedicated to the love of his life.

Also see: Bernard Parker and his wife celebrates 12th wedding anniversary