Everything to know about “why uneslender” kid


We have fallen in love with a TikTok toddler who recently trended for hilariously attacking his mom.

Lihlumelo Mthawelanga Lujabe, who goes by the name Zulu Boy, is a 3-year-old and attends Bumblebee creche.

The nickname Zuluboy was given to him by his maternal grandfather because his paternal side of the family is from KZN.

In conversation with his mother Siphe Lujabe, she shared that Zuluboy grew up with his grandparents. Him being the only grandchild to have stayed with his grandparents made him think that he is the only grandchild.

Speaking to BONA, she further explained where the funny attacks came from. “I think it is because my parents are strict, and when it comes to language, they are even more strict. That’s why now you find Zuluboy saying‘Don’t say mxm (Xhosa click)’ or ‘say sorry.”

She also shared that Zuluboy is treated like an egg by his grandmother; she does not even want to see or hear him cry. “That is why he prefers her to me,” she added

Revealing that Zuluboy started talking at 1 year with him starting his shenanigans at home where if they had discussed someone, he would tell that particular person. 

“The first thing he did was when is grandmother had a misunderstanding with someone then she said Andidibani nemenemene ulimenemene [I don’t like liars, you are a liar] and when I called he told me exactly what mom said,” she said

His mother shared that Zuluboy doesn’t like noise. Even when watching TV, it should always be soft.

When we see his videos, we think he is a bubbly child who is loud. Who is now famous because people see him from time to time. His mom shared that he is not taking the fame well; he becomes very shy when people meet him and greet him.

As a parent, you want good things for your children, Siphe shared that she is happy to watch him grow into a little celebrity.

“People usually compliment him on his videos which helps build his confidence and him being smart. I also think it is opening doors for him to work with brands,” she concluded.

She mentioned that they come from Maqebevu village in eNgqeleni but currently residing in Makhanda (previously known as Grahamstown).

Also see: 5 Times the ‘why uneslender?’ child hilariously attacks his mom

The post Everything to know about “why uneslender” kid appeared first on Bona Magazine.