If you are sure you are soon going to be handed the pink slip soon, here’s what you can do:
Update your resume, and make it specific – include skills that are not generic, rather they are tangible, and will make you shine amongst the rest.
Reach out to old colleagues – while you might want to refrain from sharing an impending layoff (till it is confirmed), you can say that you are looking for a change, as you have not been growing in the company of late.
Look online for short-term courses to upskill in the meantime. This will help you apply for a wide range of job profiles.
Start building up a corpus to help you in need. The rule of thumb is that you should have enough savings (equivalent to your salary) to last you 6 months – 1 year without a job in hand. Cut off all non essential spends.
Lastly, don’t lose hope – Even if you don’t land a job straightway, you can start small – pick up projects that will keep you busy, take up an online courses etc. Things will even out eventually