10 tips to flirt and find your match at the gym


One of the best ways to have a full dating life is to incorporate meeting new people into your everyday routine.

Great places for this are grocery stores, coffee shops, dog parks and the gym.

Today I’m going to focus on fitness, here are my top 10 tips for flirting and finding love at the gym.

1. Take Off Your Head Phones (When You Want To Talk)

Take them off! If you are wearing them you are basically sending the message “Don’t talk to me”. Use them on the cardio machines but once you get to the floor remove them, you will be more approachable.

2. Make Friends With The Trainers

Get to know the staff and other members, you’ll appear friendly and more attractive. If you’re interested in a person that you see there on a regular basis, you can ask them to introduce you.

3. Smile!

Smile and make eye contact. This should be obvious, but you’d be surprised at how many people aren’t smiling or holding eye contact. Smile and hold that gaze for at least 4-5 secs. Giving off a friendly vibe and exuding happiness makes you approachable and will attract all kinds of people to you.

4. Introduce Yourself

Smile and say “Hi I’m_____” it’s really that easy. For guys this means introduce yourself at the time, it should be natural, don’t follow someone around and be a lurker.

5. Take a Class

Guys can join a Yoga or Spinning class, this is the perfect opportunity to up your odds as the women out number the men. Similarly, women can join a class with a higher ration of men. Think boxing, kick boxing or rock climbing etc.  Get there early so you can position yourself accordingly. Make sure that you only talk either before the class begins or after it’s over.

6. Hit the Gym Floor

You are much more likely to get approached at the weight machines or the free weights area. Men love to help out a lady, ask a man to spot you or for help with a new technique.

7. Conversation

Once that person smiles back or offers to spot you, introduce yourself and start a conversation. Chatting before or after a class is ok, but during is a no no. Let the person do what they are there to do and catch up with them later.

8. Offer To Help

Guys after you’ve been chatting for a bit, doing something gentlemanly like offering to fill up her water bottle will definitely get her attention.

9. Be Attractive

For ladies wear color, red is especially good and think cute, not slutty. Guys like a sporty girl who can show off her assets with a bit of mystery. Guys no ripped clothing, smell good and carry a towel.

10. Be Out and About

Some gyms have juice bars or cafes in them or you can check out places nearby after you’re done. You may run into someone you’ve seen working out and have a great conversation opener. After her workout one of my clients stopped into the wine store next to her gym and is now dating a great guy.