So it begins: Viewers want Ash-ley out of Big Brother’s house following the Mshini drama


Ash-ley Ogle/ Instagram: Instagram

Deja vu has struck for Big Brother Mzansi (BBM) fans as a similar incident involving Bravo B and Makhekhe in last year’s ‘S’ya mosha’ season has occurred with fan favourite Ash-ley Ogle and Bonni Bee, and mzansi has begun advocating for their eviction.

Big Brother Mzansi is one of the most popular reality competition shows at their popular #BBM and has consistently taken over social media since the show aired on 12 January 2025. The show has been a constant source of entertainment for viewers as they have gotten acquainted with the housemates and has given rise to various fandoms for certain housemates that have emerged as fan favourites.

One of these fan favourites has been Durban’s very own Ash-le Ogle, who managed to capture the hearts of many viewers with her undeniable looks, as well as her early romantic spark with fellow housemate Sweet Guluva. Their authentic and almost instant connection has had viewers glued to their screens as they marvel at their favourite housemates continue to build on their connection.

However, a recent dispute between Ash-ley and Mshini, as well as a problematic conversation between Ash-ley and Bonni B, have led viewers to a sudden change of mind regarding Ash-le, who is now labelled as a mean girl. The dispute with Mshini came first when Ash-ley inferred that giving birth to her child gravely affected Mshini’s private parts. She has also made remarks such as “those black people”, leading viewers to believe that she is racist, and not as innocent as they had believed.

The main reason Ash-ley’s words have caused havoc on social media has to do with her referring to Kay B as ‘The rape girl’ on multiple occasions after Kay B bravely shared her story with the whole Big Brother house. This has led to viewers labelling Ash-ley as problematic and a rape apologist, which is unacceptable on a platform of BBM’s calibre. A conversation between Ash-ley and Bonni B has left a bitter taste in the viewer’s mouths, as they compare this to a similar conversation held by Bravo B and Makhekhe in last year’s season, which resulted in Bravo B’s eviction as well as two strikes for Makhekhe.

“The way that I see it, she wanted it,” Ash-ley says to Bonni B.

Viewers have now called on Big Brother as well as the Broadcasting Complaints Commission of South Africa (BCCSA) to intervene and ensure that Ash-ley and Bonni face the repercussions of her actions accordingly. The ‘Women for Change’ page has also issued a statement expressing their disappointment towards these women for victim blaming a survivor of an atrocious crime and injustice, thus making light of the situation.

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