7 ways to make your mobile data last longer


Mobile data is an important buy for most South Africans. Many citizens might even consider their data expenses just as important as spending their cash on transport, electricity, or food.

Unfortunately, mobile data can also disappear faster than a small pizza at the end of the month.

If your data bundle doesn’t last, it could be caused by automatic updates, high streaming quality, or even a hacker inside your smartphone.

Here’s how to make sure your mobile data lasts longer.

1. Check smartphones for Malware

If your data bundles disappear soon after you’ve bought them (or your data continues disappearing when you haven’t used any of it yourself), it’s time to check for viruses or malware.

Hackers could be using your mobile data right now, and you wouldn’t even know it.

Run a trusted antivirus app on your smartphone. Remove any apps that appear unfamiliar, or that you haven’t used for a while.

2. Unsubscribe from WASPs

Wireless Application Service Providers (WASPs) are paid-for mobile subscription services.

Sometimes, you could be subscribed to several paid mobile services without knowing it. If you are a victim of an unknown subscription or potential WASP fraud, the best way is to check through your network service provider.

Mobile subscriptions sneak in through SMS notifications, and may deduct funds on a daily, weekly or monthly basis until it’s stopped.

3. Buy the best data bundles for you

Buy the best data bundles to match your own personal usage.

Some households need 1GB/day deals, while others may get more internet usage from buying their data in bulk packages of 150GB/month.

Get to know your mobile network’s assortment of deals until you’ve found the best one. Longer-lasting data bundles can be more expensive than short-lasting ones for the same amount of data.

Which data bundle you need depends on how much you’re going to need, and when you’ll be the most likely to use it. Special streaming and social media bundles are also available, for those who use more data on these websites than others.

4. Switch mobile data off when unused

Remember to switch mobile data to “off” when the device isn’t being used.

Notifications, automatic updates, and streaming downloads may decide to “kick in” during the night or early morning hours. Phones are active even when their users aren’t!

If your data runs out too fast, switching off your mobile data could help reduce overall use.

5. Use lower video streaming quality

Check the settings on streaming apps like YouTube, Showmax, and Netflix.

Streaming quality could be set to higher (360p, 720p, or more) and burn through data faster than you could watch a 5-minute Eminem video to completion.

Video quality settings have to be changed for every app you’re using. Sometimes, these settings will reset to high-quality, so check them often when you notice data usage increases.

Some streaming apps also have “automatic video downloads”, which you can turn off in most app settings.

6. Use data-saver for your browser

Most mobile web-browsers have something called data-saver found in the settings-tab.

With the data-saver in use, websites automatically consume less data by loading from previously downloaded images: for example, loading the Facebook logo only once, rather than downloading it every time you open the link.

Data-saver can also reduce the download size of images when you’re scrolling through your social media.

7. Turn off Automatic updates

Automatic updates are one of the largest unseen data robbers: almost every app that’s on your phone has some kind of automatic update function – and in most cases, it’s set to update automatically unless the user turns it off.

Look for “automatic updates” under the settings of the apps you use the most. Usually, updates can be turned off completely, or scheduled for a more convenient time.