Why some people don’t have human feelings and emotions


People with this illness find it challenging to recognise and express their feelings.

It is caused by brain damage to the insula – the part of the brain associated with social skills, empathy, and emotions.

This Greek phrase, which is employed in Freudian psychodynamic theories, roughly means “no words for emotion.” Though little is known about the disorder, it is thought to affect 1 in 10 persons.

Antisocial personality disorder, also known as sociopathy, is a mental health condition where one consistently disregards others by displaying anger, manipulation, and cruel treatment. They often lack remorse or regret for their actions.

People with ASPD lack empathy and appear emotionally detached or “cold.”

People with psychopathy, often known as psychopaths, frequently display impulsiveness, manipulativeness, deceitfulness, and a lack of empathy or regret, among other undesirable characteristics and behaviours.

People who are psychopaths appear dispassionate or heartless because they lack empathy, guilt, or regret.

Childhood trauma, abuse, or neglect can impact emotional development, leading to suppression or disconnect from feelings as a coping mechanism.

Lack of emotional support in early life can result in emotional immaturity or difficulties with emotional regulation.

Psychopathy is often characterised by brain abnormalities in the amygdala and hippocampus. Genetic or hormonal factors, such as imbalances in neurotransmitters like serotonin or dopamine, may affect how someone experiences or processes emotions.

Therefore, nature and nurture play key roles in emotionally stunted people.