Mandla N discusses Black Brain pictures’ licensing deal with Netflix


Picture: Instagram

In a move that highlights the importance of ownership in the creative industry, Mandla N the executive creative director of Black Brain Pictures, shared insights into the company’s approach to licensing their projects.

“Black Brain Pictures owns these two projects. We licensed them to Netflix. Instead of selling these projects to Netflix, we decided to have a licensing agreement with them. This means we have full ownership of these projects,” explained Mandla N to Sunday World.

He further emphasised to the news publication the critical downside of selling projects outright to broadcasters, saying “The painful thing is that once you sell a movie or drama series to a broadcaster, you lose all the rights. And you no longer have a say in it. The broadcaster can do whatever they want to do with it. Including reselling and repeating it on screen. As the creator, you get nothing, because you sold it.”

Speaking to TshisaLIVE, Mandla N stated that his passion for storytelling has been key to his longevity in the industry.

“As cliché as it may sound, I love what I do and I’m passionate about what I do. I think if passion is the cornerstone of why you are doing it, then it would last because if I’m not creating content, or directing I don’t know what to do with myself when I wake up.”

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