mom and kids: picture: pexels
Being a stay-at-home mom is often seen as a “break” from work, but any mom will tell you—it’s anything but a break. From managing endless snack requests to juggling nap schedules and sneaking in a moment for herself (if she’s lucky), the job is a nonstop balancing act.
This International Women’s Day, it’s worth shining a light on the resilience, sacrifices, and unseen labour of moms who dedicate their days to raising the next generation. Because while they may not clock in at an office, their work is just as demanding—if not more.
The Mother Untitled publication states that time management is a challenge for stay-at-home moms, as they often struggle with the constant juggling of appointments, tasks, and unfinished tasks. Anna Dearmon Kornick, a time management coach, suggests that the biggest mistake at-home moms make is not implementing a daily routine.
Anna believes that busy schedules can lead to a lack of time for important tasks and rest. To create a daily routine that works for families, and time management, the above expert offers advice on designing a routine that includes rest and creativity, as well as addressing the urgencies of life.
Designing your ideal week is recommended by the above source for stay-at-home moms and anyone to plan their life hourly from Sunday morning to Saturday night. “Beginning with the biggest milestones—tasks and activities such as school drop-off, errands, children’s naps, meals, appointments, and the like that are standing fixtures in your routine. From there, it’s a matter of deciding how you’d like to spend your time in between those moments, whether that’s taking care of household tasks, working, playing with little ones, pushing a creative project forward, or connecting with friends, claims Mother Untitled.
Making Mommas advises that stay-at-home moms need to exercise regularly to boost their mood and prepare for the day ahead. “These simple tips have made a world of difference in my own routine, momma. By focusing on just a few key things, you’ll feel less overwhelmed and more in control of your day as well,” claims the publication.
Also see: Mom rage vs. trauma response: What’s really behind the outbursts?