Effective ways to take better care of your feet


Illustration. Picture: Pexels

So many of us spend countless hours every day ensuring that our skin care routine and facial appearance are in tip-top shape so that we can present the best possible versions of ourselves to the world.

But how often do we put that same amount of effort into the one component of our bodies that holds everything else up – our feet?

Our feet are seen as the foundation for holding the rest of our body parts up. It is the one body part we use consistently and continuously from the moment we step out of bed to brush our teeth to the last minute of the evening when we finally get back into bed. Throughout the day it goes through some of the most strenuous exercises like walking, running even standing for long hours of the day. It is for this very reason that we need to put extra effort into ensuring that they are well taken care of.

The online publication Barefoot Scientist says that the feet are the hardest working body parts and contain 25% of the body’s bones, 18% of its joints, and 6 % of its muscles. Furthermore, with each step we take we usually exert a heavy force on them if not looked after this can have serious effects in the future.

“Foot problems can rapidly start to affect posture and balance, and even provoke issues with our knees, hips and spine. In short, when our feet suffer, so does our quality of life.”

Here are effective ways to take care of our feet as recommended by Harvard Health:

Maintain a healthy weight: The mentioned publication says that a greater force is applied to our feet when our bodies are overweight, this can lead to things like arthritis in the feet. It is therefore important to ensure that you are at a decent weight to prevent unnecessary strain.

Wear comfortable shoes: Wearing comfortable shoes will ensure that you maintain the right balance and posture, and cushioning will assist in preventing aches and pains.

Moisturise and practice good hygiene: As we age our skin tends to get drier and thinner. This can lead to cracked heels and cause pain. Harvard Health therefore recommends practicing good hygiene by washing them regularly and removing calluses and ingrown nails. Thereafter it is important to moisturise to keep feet soft.

Also see: On your feet all day? What it means for your heart health