Could medication fix racial bias?


Could medication fix racism?

The idea might sound absurd, but could be possible according to modern scientific studies. Propranolol is a medication designed for high blood pressure, but its side-effects have prompted a whole new study direction.

Racism can be part of several mental illnesses or neurological conditions. Some people with dementia, for example, might lose social conventions as their brain degenerates.

Here’s more about the ‘anti-racism’ drug and how it works.

Racism: Propranolol found to ‘reduce implicit negative racial bias’

Blood pressure medication Propranolol has been found to ‘reduce implicit negative racial bias’, according to studies.

Propranolol is a blood pressure medication.

Among its side effects is an apparent reduction in racial bias.

Could racism be a problem in our brains?

The fact that the medication works says that racism could be a ‘brain glitch’, something that can be treated.

Racism: Could it be fixed with medication?

Some types of bias could respond to medication, says the University of Oxford.

People might not have biases because they want to, but because it’s a chemical reaction in the brain.

Dementia, for example, might make people forget social conventions. A dementia patient can sometimes say inappropriate things without knowing about it.

Medication could fix inherent bias.

Links between racism and brain injuries have also been studied before. Sometimes racial bias can become worse (or better) after brain injuries.

Racism: Why are people like this?

Sometimes, being a ‘racist’ is environmental. Someone grew up with some beliefs, which they might continue to hold into adulthood. Sometimes people become biased to adapt to their peers: a form of peer pressure.

Some racial biases could be related to mental health.

‘Racism can cause or worsen some mental health conditions,’ according to Medical News Today.

This could mean that ‘racism’ is a behavioural flaw. Like other health conditions, some ‘racism’ might be treatable.

Has someone’s racism ever affected you?

Have you ever been on the other end of biased feelings or thoughts?

Is Orania racist?

Orania is a self-sustaining and mostly white South African community.

Many people criticize their inclusive living style. Some say that Orania is outwardly racist, even though the community denies it.

Politicians, including Mandela, have previously visited Orania.

Orania still vehemently denies that they base their operations on racial bias.

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