What is a ‘hard launch’ in relationships and why Gen Z is opting for it

In modern times, it is increasingly becoming a norm for young people to ‘hard launch’ their intimate relationships.
hard launch, unlike buoyant norms or quiet whispers, is a stark and over-the-line declaration made on social media with a tagged couple picture and a public note.

An analogy would be chipping one’s initials on a tree although this is done on Instagram.

Hard launching is more of brand image management as it has been borrowed from celebrity culture. At some point, celebrities like Selena Gomez have shocked their fans to the extent of posting their captioned photos with a significant other on their Instagram accounts.

This behaviour is being embraced by teens more often today than in any other period. But why now? In addition, what does it genuinely mean to hard launch a relationship?

A hard launch refers to posting significantly and distinctively about your partner on social media, mostly by posting a clear picture of you to the world and tagging each other. This eliminates any element of surprise, as the couple has gone public and said, “We are in a relationship!” Especially no vagueness, no jigsaw pieces and no need for imagination, just a pure clear-cut statement.

The boldness of this action, however, reshapes the story introduction as the partner’s hard launch is often the last step that follows all the inner rhetoric. The inquiry of the individual’s dating status is no longer a question but an informative statement.
Hard launches are not done with the intent of flaunting the relationship rather they serve a purpose of claiming the virtual space actively. Consequently, the hard launch, as a strategy, ensures that the teens emphatically carve even when it is in a romantic relationship, and position that relationship for its audiences – friends, followers and even the public – in the digital space. Plus, it is the same as changing the status from relationship is ‘Private’ to one that is ‘Public’ at the click of a button.

Why are teens hard launching their relationships?

Adolescents today have been embracing social media a great deal. To illustrate, almost 50% of teenagers as per the data released by the Pew Research Network go online, what they termed as ‘almost all times’. At this stage, self-worth and one’s social standing rely on these online platforms, and especially so with the bonds of love. This is evidenced by a hard launch which serves to amplify the relationship for recognition by the audience.

Social status and social acceptance are very important for the majority of adolescent individuals. Hard launching helps in that aspect as well.

Hard launches may benefit the level of intimacy reached between two parties involved. In our modern society the youth many times feel they are more intimate with their partners because of the use of digital communication.

Interestingly, 44% of adolescents reported being more emotionally attached to their partners through social networks. It is a method of closing the distance between the virtual landscape and their actual feelings.

The risks of hard launching

Like every phenomenon, social media has its upsides and downsides, and so does a hard launch. Things could get tricky in event of a breakup. Considering the relationship is highly publicised and in the public domain, it may put additional pressure on a relationship.

Besides, not every teenager likes to be out in the open in such a manner and this can lead privacy issues. There are those who have no qualms about putting their lives in the public eye, and then there are those who think it is too much and an imposition.

If a teen decides to hard launch their relationship, there are several factors to think beforeheand:
When it comes to officially announcing a relationship, a teenage couple should consider many things before making the announcement:

Comfort levels: Are both people okay with being in the limelight? Hard launching means that both the parties need to have a similar agreement on letting the whole world know about their relationship.
Relationship stage: Have both the partners in a relationship made up their minds to go public? A hard launch is usually recommended after trust and exclusivity within the couple have been established.
Social circles: Do family, friends, and acquaintances know of the relationship? Can the teen expose their partner to the larger social context?

Future goals: Are partners inclined towards a serious relationship, or are they still playing the field? For all inclusive hard launches, it is easier for the couple when they are comfortable with their relationship.

Is hard launching right for you?

Choosing to publicly display a relationship is subjective. Some want to tell the world about their attachment in a special way as a sign of love while others may not, in the early stages of the relationship. The main thing is communication. Teens should be able to talk to their partners about how comfortable they feel about being public and whether a hard launch is even necessary and most importantly make that decision together.
What matters the most is the partnership, whether it is made public or not, is healthy.

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