Trevor Noah’s legacy in limbo as South Africa debates about his talents – ‘He was never funny’


Trevor Noah/ Picture: Instagram

Never did we imagine that we would live long enough to see Trevor Noah’s comedic capabilities come into question, however, as he marked the sixth anniversary of his hit show Son of Patricia some users have expressed that they have never considered Trevor to be funny. Mind you, this is the same Trevor who relocated to the United States because of his comedic arsenal.

South African-born comedian Trevor Noah has found himself as the talk of the day as users go back and forth trying to establish whether the Daywalker comedian’s success was a classic case of ‘light skin’ and ‘pretty’ privilege, or he really had the range to ‘earn’ the platform and opportunities handed to him. A handful of users did not hold back in speaking their minds and revealed that the popular Daily Show host had never been funny to them. Some users went as far as comparing Trevor to local comedian Mpho Pops, expressing that Mpho would trump Trevor any day.

Similarly to a sleeper agent hearing their trigger word, Trevor’s supporters quickly lined up to defend their favourite comedian upon hearing the ludicrous claims, referencing his previous projects and the impact they had on South Africa, not just in terms of entertainment but the political space as well as Trevor’s jokes focused on the Mzanzi’s political landscape at the time. Furthermore, these users highlight the need to be well-versed in many topics in order to understand and relate to Trevor’s style of comedy, as it often adopts a more intellectual approach.

Whether or not you are a personal fan of Trevor Noah, his ability to seamlessly adapt and blend into the American entertainment space after dominating in and around South Africa is a hell of an impressive feat which should not be downplayed.

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