It’s easy to become preoccupied with pursuing big goals and neglect to acknowledge and appreciate the small wins along the way.
The point is, although those little victories are what keep you going, they act as tiny spurs of inspiration that enable you to overcome the more difficult obstacles that lies ahead.
You’re boosting your confidence when you take the time to acknowledge your progress, no matter how small it may seem. Every small win is evidence that you’re on the right track.
Imagine small victories having the ability to also help you form positive habits. The more you acknowledge and appreciate your accomplishments, the more likely you are to build yourself to success. Progress, not perfection, is the goal. And those minor victories? Over time, they accumulate to become significant accomplishments.
According to psychiatrist, Dr Shivangini Singh, small victories are routine little activities that, when completed, result in bigger, more meaningful victories. They are sometimes disregarded as routine chores and may not seem significant at first, yet they are essential for building resilience and character.
He further mentions that they might be as basic as making your bed, answering emails, finishing an assignment, returning unanswered calls, doing laundry, or replenishing the cupboard.
Psychology Today highlights that staying motivated is crucial to celebrating victories. Small wins trigger the brain’s reward system, which produces dopamine and encourages positive behaviour.
The above source also suggests clearly defining your goals and making sure you have annual goals that can be broken down into quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily goals since you can’t celebrate something you don’t know you’ve accomplished.
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