Sweaty feet giving you trouble? Here’s how to solve the problem


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Are you experiencing bad odour, athlete’s foot and constant itchiness of the feet? The reason could be a result of having sweaty feet.

While an intense workout, lengthy walks and other physical activities are perfectly normal and the reason why many people find themselves enduring the feeling of having sweaty feet. For some, this is a daily experience and leads to all sorts of negative consequences.

The renowned antiperspirant company, Shield, highlights that there are several factors that have an impact on why so many people experience sweating in their feet. This usually varies because of heat, exercise as well as stress.

“With other areas of the body, sweat can easily evaporate. But with feet, it gets trapped between our toes and in socks and shoes. When sweat gets trapped, the bacteria that feed on our sweat release an unpleasant smell, causing foot odour or smelly feet, also known as bromodosis. This continues after we’ve removed our socks and shoes, especially if we put them in a dark place like a cupboard or drawer where bacteria can thrive,” explains Shield.

The above-mentioned brand further adds that there are some people who naturally sweat more than others, this is often a result of puberty, pregnancy, menopause or being active at work. However, some experience excessive sweating in their feet or hyperhidrosis and have lived with it all of their lives.

The effects of hyperhidrosis are what later leads to nail fungus and athlete’s foot, explains Healthline.

Healthline furthermore recommends the following tips to deal with sweaty feet:

  • Wear the right socks (cotton or wool).
  • Wear two pairs of shoes that you alternate every day to allow moisture to dry out.
  • Apply foot powder or antifungal foot spray.
  • Ensure that your feet are cleaned and your nails are short for as often as possible.

Also see: Getting rid of smelly feet

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