Subtle signs that someone is crying for help


woman covering her ears: picture: pexels

Sometimes, a call for help isn’t loud or obvious—it’s hidden in small gestures, quiet changes, or behaviours we might easily overlook. It’s not all the time that people are brave enough or have the courage to speak up when they are going through difficult situations. There’s a lot that happens in their minds as they often think about how people would react to them seeking help and whether they will be judged or not, they end up throwing out small signs that indicate they need a hand.

Spotting these hints isn’t about being a mind-reader; it’s about becoming more attuned to the people we care about. Relevant publications help us uncover the subtle signs that can make all the difference in someone’s life.

The Global English Editing publication states that actions speak louder than words when identifying someone who is silently crying out for help. It is stated that changes in behaviour patterns can signal underlying distress, like a person becoming withdrawn or showing up late.

According to the mentioned source, these subtle shifts can be a silent alarm, alerting others of their struggles but not knowing how to voice their pain. “Noticing these subtle shifts in behaviour can be the first step towards understanding that someone might need help. It’s a gentle reminder to reach out, show empathy, and offer support.”

Being constantly on the go, neglecting oneself, and appearing disinterested can indicate a lack of focus on one’s emotions during a difficult time, claims Happifull. This is believed to indicate a need for constant distractions. “When going through a hard time, we can feel hopeless, helpless, or even unworthy of love. This might be present in not taking care of themselves or their space – with less attention to personal hygiene, not eating properly, or letting their home fall into disarray.”

The source mentioned above claims that someone may be oversharing or apologising frequently, even for unrelated issues, as an outlet for expressing their feelings. They may also be overly empathetic, seemingly interested in checking in with others but hoping for reciprocation. Happifull states that this subtle sign suggests a need for open communication and understanding.

Solutions Psychology adds that when struggling, individuals may express an inability to cope, feelings of loneliness, become more critical, and sound confused. It is further mentioned that they may lack motivation, struggle to switch off, lose interest in appearance, and experience emotional changes, affecting their sleep, eating, exercising, or work patterns.

Also see: Healthy coping mechanisms for stress

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