Struggling to open a book? Here are a few tips to get you reading in no time



There are a number of reasons why you cannot seem to open a book, read it and actually finish it. For me, it is definitely quite a few but my main issue is procrastination which is often misinterpreted as being lazy. I assure you that I am not!

I have had this one book for some time now, three months to be exact. I was advised that the only way I would read is to just get started and that it is a matter of taking it one chapter at a time. It is not that easy though. Don’t get me wrong, I would really love to read more, I just never get to the point of actually doing it.

So you are not alone if you’re having trouble opening that book.

Some of the reasons why many individuals struggle to start reading can be a lack of time, distractions, or a general lack of motivation.

The below pointers can assist you in re-establishing your reading habits regardless of what your end goals are, such as enjoyment or self-improvement.

According to We Are Bookish, “Life is too short to read books that don’t interest you. The first step to reading more is to make sure you enjoy what you’re reading.”

The above website also states that if your goal is to read more, start with the books you want to read the most since goals should be quantifiable. You’ll soon discover how much you truly want to fit in during the day if you start your challenge with your most anticipated titles.

Medium suggests getting a physical book instead, and continues to state that the sensation of holding a book and turning each page one at a time, the crisp, sharp sound of the pages turning, and the rich, new scent of paper as the book is opened are all part of the experience. It will become a routine to open a book.


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