Sophie Ndaba hosts Roche Africa Press Day – Internet impressed



Veteran actress, Sophie Ndaba showcased her hosting skills at the Roche Africa Press Day, where women’s health was discussed in great detail.

Roche is one of the biggest biotech companies, established 125 years ago. This company focuses on developing medicines and diagnostics that will help patients live longer and better lives.

Recently, Roche held a press day that discussed breast and cervical cancer and how they affect the families and communities of the patients. This year’s press day head-speared by Sophie discussed investing in diagnostics and treatment for women. The remarkable actress and host also had her fair share of health problems, as she is battling with diabetes. This makes her the perfect host, as she speaks of something she is familiar with.

The prolific thespian is best known for roles she portrayed on Generations, Lockdown and 016FM.

Most X (formerly Twitter) users were inspired by Sophie’s latest pictures, where she oozed confidence and looked healthy, with some recounting where she came from with diabetes and now looks amazing. While some were amazed by her hosting skills, citing that she fits perfectly on the programme.

X users shared their thoughts:

Also see: Sophie Ndaba set to be an official judge at Opulent Models SA

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