On your feet all day? What it means for your heart health



Having to stand all day can be a real challenge. Even while it might not seem like much, your back, legs, and even heart may begin to complain.

The below publications examine what excessive standing means for your heart health:

According to Yourlifechoices, We’ve all heard about the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle for your heart. Sitting for too long – at a desk, on the couch or behind the wheel – can lead to serious cardiovascular complications. But new research suggests standing may not be the answer either.”

The lifestyle publication states that in a recent study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, discovered that standing more often than sitting does not enhance cardiovascular health (heart failure, coronary heart disease, and stroke).

The study did support the negative effects of sitting by confirming that sitting for more than ten hours a day raised the risk of cardiovascular disease and orthostatic (circulatory) incidence, the publication mentioned above further adds.

Matthew Ahmadi, postdoctoral research fellow in the Faculty of Medicine and Health further adds to above findings, stating, “This finding wasn’t necessarily surprising because in order to improve cardiovascular health typically requires engaging in physical activity, which is why it is important to mix in physical activity alongside standing.”

The above expert also explains that standing for extended periods of time can result in blood pooling in the legs, much like sitting does. Your muscles aren’t actively working to pump blood back up from your legs to your heart when you’re still. Deep vein thrombosis and varicose veins may result from this.

Also see: Explore the health benefits of eating Dates

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