Here’s how to maintain the emotional wellbeing of your pet

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Our pets are more than just companions—they’re family, and just like us, they experience a range of emotions that affect their well-being. Whether it’s anxiety, boredom, or loneliness, our furry friends need emotional care just as much as they need physical care.

Maintaining your pet’s emotional health is key to keeping them happy and thriving. The RSPCA Pet Insurance defines good animal welfare as ensuring animals can express their natural behaviour in an enriching environment, feel safe, and have healthy positive experiences. The mentioned source states that the five domains model, based on nutrition, physical environment, health, and behavioural interactions, focuses on mental well-being and positive experiences.

“An animal’s mental state, which is the fifth domain, determines their overall welfare and is a result of their experiences in the other four domains. This model provides a useful framework for ensuring we are supporting the emotional wellbeing of our pets.”

According to the Waltham Petcare Science Institute, dogs are sentient beings with emotions, but their emotional well-being is not as clear-cut as humans. Emotion study is complex due to dogs’ inability to verbally communicate their feelings, however, brain imaging techniques and behavioural and physiological measures can help understand their emotional responses, states the institute. “Canine scientists expose dogs to various scenarios and collect a range of behavioural and physiological measures to suggest how they may be feeling.”

Wellness Pet Company believes that creating a safe and predictable environment for pets is crucial for their mental health and overall well-being. It is mentioned that things like establishing routines for feeding, exercise, playtime, and rest can provide a sense of stability and structure, reducing anxiety and stress.

“Minimising exposure to potentially frightening or stressful stimuli and providing hiding spots or safe spaces where they can retreat when feeling overwhelmed can further enhance their sense of security. By creating a stable and predictable environment, we can help our pets feel confident, relaxed, and happy, ultimately contributing to their overall well-being and strengthening our bond with them.”


Also see: Tips to clean pet hair off your clothes

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