Foods that help or hinder sore throat healing


Dealing with a chronic sore throat can be a real pain in the… well, throat. Whether you suffer from the occasional sore throat that lasts just a few hours or a nagging throat that sticks around longer than you’d like, finding ways to ease the discomfort is a top priority. So, let’s chat about how your diet can be your ally in this battle.

Understanding the Nagging Sore Throat

First things first, let’s get to know this persistent pest a bit better. A chronic sore throat is like that unwelcome guest at your party. It can be caused by a bunch of things, including:

1. Infections: Pesky bacteria like streptococcal pharyngitis (strep throat), and viruses, like colds and flu, can lead to a sore throat.1a

2. Environmental Trouble: Being around irritants like smoke1b or allergens seriously trouble your throat.1c

3. Airway Reflux: If you’re dealing with airway reflux, known as laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR), on the regular, it might just be affecting the larynx and pharynx (your voice production system).2a Hoarseness, sore throat, excess mucus in the throat, persistent cough, asthma-like symptoms (wheezing, chest tightness, and difficulty breathing), postnasal drip, sensation of a lump in the throat, difficulties swallowing and earache are the most typical symptoms of LPR. 2b

4. Postnasal Drip: When your nose decides to go for a run, all that mucus can build up and drip down the back of your throat, leading to ongoing throat discomfort.3

5. Food: Sometimes, certain foods can pour fuel on the fire, especially if your throat is already tender.4a

Foods That Aren’t on the Guest List

Now, let’s talk about the troublemakers. These are the foods that your sore throat would prefer to avoid:

1. Spicy Culprits: Say no to spicy foods like hot peppers and curry. They’re like the hot-headed villains that can make your throat irritation worse.4b

2. Citrus: Oranges, grapefruits and tomatoes we’re looking at you! These citrus fruits and their acidic juices can be quite the irritants for an already sore throat.4c

3. Fatty Foods: Anything with high-fat content, from red meat to deep-fried foods, can be harder for your body to digest, which can worsen your throat’s discomfort.4d

4. Course Food: Rough-textured foods, such as raw veggies, oats, and dry bread, can irritate and aggravate a sore throat.4e

Foods That Are Your Throat’s BFFs

Now that we know our enemy let’s talk allies! These throat-soothing superheroes can come to your rescue:

1. Warm Broths and Soups: Picture a cosy bowl of chicken soup. Now, picture it hugging your throat. That’s what warm, clear broths and soothing soups do – they provide relief by reducing throat irritation.5a

2. Yoghurt: As it’s liquid and cold, yoghurt feels soothing when going down and the probiotics may help your throat and body when you’re not feeling well.5b

3. Herbal Teas: Chamomile, ginger, and mint teas are like a spa day for your throat and can be soothing.5c

4. Honey: Honey has some natural antibiotic properties. Add it to warm tea, or just grab a spoonful and let its soothing powers work their magic.5d

Ease Sore Throats With Cepacol®

Cepacol: Sugar & Alcohol free: Image: Supplied

While your diet won’t work miracles, it can certainly make your life a whole lot more comfortable during that annoyingly persistent sore throat phase. Want to know another thing that can help you deal with throat troubles? Cepacol® is renowned for its sore throat lozenges and hot medication, offering a range of solutions for cold and flu symptoms. There’s a Cepacol® option for everyone this winter!

The Cepacol® range includes cough and cold syrup, plus cough and cold syrup specifically designed for nighttime relief, a throat spray and throat gargle, Medsip, a hot medicated drink in either ginger or honey lemon flavours and antibacterial throat lozenges in four great tasting flavours – regular, black currant, honey & lemon and menthol.

Embrace the Winter Warrior within with the Adcock Ingram Range, featuring Panado®, Cepacol®, Compral®, and ViralGuard™, available from Pick n Pay, Checkers including Hypers, Shoprite, Clicks, Dis-Chem, and Independent Pharmacies.  For more information about Adcock Ingram Winter Warriors, visit Adcock Winter Warriors. For more information about Cepacol®, click here and join the conversation on Facebook.  

Cepacol Range. Image: Supplied


  1. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. Sore throat. Available from: Last accessed December 2023
  2. Mount Sinai. Could your sore throat be caused by acid reflux? Available from: Last accessed December 2023.
  3. Cleveland Clinic. Rhinorrhea (Runny Nose). Available from: Last accessed December 2023. 
  4. LIVESTRONG.COM. Foods to avoid for a sore throat. Available from: Last accessed December 2023. 
  5. Verywell Health. What to eat with a sore throat and what to avoid. Available from: Last accessed December 2023. 

For full prescribing information refer to the Professional Information approved by SAHPRA. Adcock Ingram Limited. Co. Reg. No.: 1949/034385/06. Private Bag X69, Bryanston, 2021, South Africa. Customer Care: 0860 ADCOCK / 232625. 2023121310329373. December 2023

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