Do you sleep at 11 pm? Here’s what it means for your health


You must have heard the popular phrase, “Go to bed early!” However, what if you’re a night owl who gets into bed at 11 PM or later? Is that as bad as everyone claims?

The below sources examine the effects on your health of going to bed at eleven p.m.

While sleep is vital, not all sleep is made equal. The time you choose to go to sleep can have an impact. You’re probably losing out on an important sleep window around eleven o’clock when you go to bed.

Verywell Health states that it’s crucial to consider how much sleep it takes to feel rejuvenated when determining when to go to bed. It’s known as your sleep need and according to your age, some specialists determine how much sleep you require. The amount of sleep you require can also be influenced by your environment and health.

Some people have varying sleep durations. Less than seven hours of sleep could be more than plenty for a short sleeper. More than nine hours is required for long-sleepers to feel fully rested, the above expert further adds.

According to Healthline, a sleep calculator can assist you in determining the best time to go to bed based on your wake-up time if you want to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. It would be ideal to wake up around the end of your sleep cycle when you are most likely to feel refreshed.

If you’re having problems falling or staying asleep, think about getting in touch with a healthcare professional. Good sleep is essential for overall health. They can provide direction and assist you in investigating the root reasons for your sleep issues, according to the above health publication.

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