Different views on effects of the mercury retrograde


illustration: picture: pexels

Some swear by it, blaming everything from missed calls to emotional meltdowns on Mercury retrograde, while others roll their eyes and call it pure superstition.

Whether you’re dodging drama or just curious about the hype, Mercury retrograde continues to spark debate between believers and non-believers alike.

The Planetary Society explains that a planet in retrograde motion occurs when Earth’s perspective changes from a slower-moving planet to a faster-moving one, causing a nightly backward motion in the sky. This is called “apparent retrograde motion” and is not an actual change in motion, adds the publication.

The above publication further explains that planets move around the Sun in the same direction, with each night appearing to move slightly in one direction relative to the stars behind it.

It is also mentioned that when in retrograde, a planet moves in the opposite direction each night. “The same thing happens when Earth catches up to and overtakes a slower-moving outer planet. Mars, for example, usually shows up a little farther to the east every night relative to the background stars” adds the above website.

On the socials, people have been shaing varrying opinions on how this shift has an effet on just about everything, I have never heard of it before and I found it quite intriguing that someting so far fetched would have such impacts on different unrelated things.

@feed_my_tribeIs it just us😭♬ original sound – Feed My Tribe

The above user explains how she and her friends have been experiencing stomach issues and thinking that it’s all related to the retrograde. Comments under the video of other users confirmed how they had also suddenly started feeling uneasy.

The Almanac publication claims that Mercury’s retrograde motion affects various astrological signs, particularly Gemini and Virgo. The website explains that Geminis experience miscommunications, lost or misplaced mail, and gossip. “You may not articulate clearly, and gossip abounds. Old friends may reconnect.”

Furthermore, it is mentioned that Virgo faces challenging situations in the workplace, including product delays, equipment breakdowns, and crankiness among coworkers.

There might not be a lot of scientific back up for these claims and beliefs, however, it is how people have decided to ascocciet this event with and to be honest, if it floats their boats, I guess that’s what matters.

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