5 causes of armpit bumps and how to treat them


Finding a bump under your armpit can be uncomfortable and disturbing. But you don’t need to panic as most armpit bumps are harmless and easily treatable.

These bumps can appear for various reasons, such as skin irritation, infections, or underlying health conditions. Knowing the cause of an armpit bump is the first step to treating it effectively and preventing future issues.
Many of these causes are common and manageable with simple remedies or lifestyle changes. However, some bumps may need medical attention.
Let’s walk you through five common causes of armpit bumps and how to treat them, so you can take care of your skin and health with confidence.

1. Ingrown hairs

Cause: Shaving or waxing can cause hair to grow back into the skin instead of out of it, leading to painful, red bumps.
Treatment: Gently exfoliate the area to remove dead skin and help the hair break free. Avoid picking or squeezing the bump to prevent infection.
Switching to shaving cream or trying laser hair removal can help reduce ingrown hairs in the future.

2. Clogged sweat glands

Cause: Blocked sweat glands can trap sweat and bacteria under the skin, leading to bumps, a condition known as hidradenitis suppurativa.
Treatment: Keep the area clean and dry. Avoid tight clothing that can irritate your skin. In more severe cases, a doctor may prescribe antibiotics or recommend minor surgery to remove the blocked glands.

3. Skin irritation or allergies

Cause: Deodorants, perfumes, or laundry detergents can irritate sensitive skin, causing rashes or bumps.
Treatment: Stop using products that may have caused the irritation. Wash the area with mild soap and warm water. Look for hypoallergenic deodorants or natural alternatives that are gentle on your skin.

4. Swollen lymph nodes

Cause: Your lymph nodes can swell due to infections like the flu, a cold, or other illnesses. These swollen nodes can feel like firm, tender bumps.
Treatment: Rest and stay hydrated to help your body fight the infection. The swelling should go down as your body heals. If the bump persists for more than two weeks or is accompanied by fever or weight loss, see a doctor.

5. Bacterial or fungal infections

Cause: Warm, moist armpits are the perfect environment for bacteria or fungi to grow, leading to bumps or boils.
Treatment: Clean the area with an antibacterial soap and apply over-the-counter creams for bacterial or fungal infections. If the bump is large, painful, or filled with pus, see a doctor for drainage or stronger medication.
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