3 lunch box tips for fussy kids


Whether lunch boxes return untouched or your kids gag when they are being prepped, trying to get your children to eat anything but tuck shop treats can be a nightmare.

This is especially true when it comes to kids who are fussy eaters with a long list of foods they do not want to eat.

Cape Town-based cooking company Krazy Kiwi Kookbox has offered alternatives to family-oriented meals and found a solution to keep lunch boxes exciting, specially for fussy eaters:

  • Keep it small: Bite-sized items are less overwhelming.
  • Make it colourful: A mix of bright colours can make the meal more appealing.
  • Offer variety: Include different textures and flavours to keep things interesting.
  • Getting involved: Let them help choose or pack their lunch to increase the chance they’ll eat it.
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